September 8, 2011

Let the Blogging Begin...

A NEW bag, NEW shoes, a NEW restaurant, cooking a NEW recipe, traveling to a NEW place…I am addicted to NEW anything and everything (don’t worry, I’m not ready for an episode of Intervention….yet). My senses must have ADD because I just can’t seem to get enough of new sights, new experiences, new tastes and new feels. Along with NEW things, I happen to be addicted to all things food, fashion, beauty, fitness, art, decorating, music, movies, reading and traveling. My list of hobbies clearly isn’t long enough! Which is exactly why I figured, why not start a blog??? With so many interests and thoughts in my head, I needed a place to share them (plus I know the 13.2 million other blogs out there just aren’t enough for you to read).

Here’s to the NEW and exciting journey of blogging!

P.S. I almost forgot, my name is Alyssa….and I’m about to become your NEW favorite blogger ;)

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