September 12, 2011

Summer Shepard's Pie

Yes I know Summer is slowly slipping away. Annnnd I know I’m giving you a recipe with ‘Summer’ in the title. And yes, you are right, I’m just hanging on to the last bit of sunshine and warmth as long as I can…don’t judge :D

I made this recipe a couple weeks ago, when my boyfriend requested Shepard’s Pie for dinner….in the middle of a heat wave… August. (Had he somehow missed the brick oven he had walked into as he went outside??!) Me, being the loving girlfriend that I am, I wanted to fulfill his request (however ridiculous I thought it was), but in order to save myself from copious amounts of sweat and/or a heat stroke, I came up with this summer version. Still has the yummy meat on the bottom, but I updated it with summer veggies and a picnic staple to top it off. Enjoy!

Summer Shepard’s Pie

1 lb. ground turkey (or whichever meat your prefer)
1/3 c. worcestershire sauce
1/4 c. ketchup
Pinch of garlic salt, pepper, and thyme

*Brown the meat. Stir in the remaining ingredients and layer in a lightly greased 8 x 8 pan.

1/2 -3/4 c. grated cheddar cheese

*Layer the cheese on top of the meat.

1 ½ c. mixed veggies (I used a succatosh mix that included edamame, corn and peppers, but a zucchini and summer squash mix or spinach would work well)

*Layer the veggies on top of the cheese. Place the pan in a 350 degree oven and bake just until the cheese melts. While this is baking prepare the topping.

6 medium potatoes
Splash of olive oil, ketchup, mustard, and relish
3 tbsp of mayo
¼ plain nonfat yogurt
Pinch of salt and pepper

Cube and boil the potatoes. Stir in remaining ingredients. Season to taste. ( I just made the most basic and creamy potato salad so as not to distract from the other flavors but feel free to use your own recipe).

Once the other layers are ready, top it off with the potato salad and you are ready to serve.

Goes well with a salad such as the crunchy one pictured (which I will be sharing with you soon).

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