September 21, 2011

Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie

You are probably looking at this recipe because there is 'cheesecake' in the title and if you're anything like me cheesecake is just something that can NOT be resisted!!!

Now I hate to disappoint, really I do......

but there is no cheesecake to be found in this recipe....waaaaaait, WHAT??!!!

Ok, I promise there is a good reason and I promise this tastes just almost as good as the real thing.

You see, I was really craving cheesecake. At 10:30 at night. Cheesecake takes FOREVER to make. The cardboard crusted mush labeled as cheesecake with a $7 tag at the grocery store next door just wasn't going to cut it.

So I came up with this instead. Bonus, it's much healthier for can thank me later when you still fit in your bathing suit after eating drinking some 'cheesecake'.

Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie
1 c. frozen strawberries
2 tbsp fat free cream cheese
1 individual size strawberry cheesecake yogurt (plain,vanilla, or strawberry are also good)
2 graham cracker sheets
1/3 c. strawberry juice (I use Crystal Light)
2/3 c. milk ( I use fat free)

Combine all ingredients in the blender and enjoy! Makes 2 servings.

Note: Feel free to increase or decrease the amounts based on how thin or thick you prefer your smoothies. I have also made this using only milk and not juice and it still comes out tasting like yummy cheesecake, just a little less strawberry tasting!

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